Access Terminology
Table: Contains all data within the database in a spreadsheet-like view called datasheet view.
Relational database: Multiple tables that are linked together to address a business process
Query: Answers a question about the information in the database by selecting subset of fields and records from one or more tables and presenting the data in a single datasheet.
Form: Provides an easy to use entry screen
Report: Provides a professional presentation of data with headers, footers, graphics, and calculations on groups of records for printing
Field: A specific piece or category of data
record: A group of related fields that describe a person, place, thing, or transaction such as a company or job
Primary Key Field: A field that contains unique information for each record
Objects: The parts of an Access database taht help you view, edit, manage, and analyze the data; Six objects exist within Access : tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and modules
Field properties: the characteristics that describe each field such as field name, data type, field size, format, input mask, caption, or default value
Types of views:
Form: To find, sort, enter, and edit data
Layout: to modify the size, position, or formatting of controls; shows data as you modify the form.
Design: To modify the form header, detail, and footer section or to access the complete range of controls and form properties. Does not display data
Interface of Microsoft Access
Microsoft Access Interface
Access ribbon: stores all primary commands and tabs for Access and occupies the top portion of the main Access screen. The ribbon is divided into six tabs: File, Home, Create, External Data, Database Tools, and Help.
Navigation Pane: Left of screen is the primary navigation aid when working with Access. The pane shows tables, queries, forms, reports, and other object types.
Quick Access Toolbar: Located above the Ribbon. It is a customizable toolbar that allows you to add commands that are used more often for quick access. By default it contains the commands save, undo, redo until others are added. Click the arrow next to the quick access toolbar to add more commands.
Status Bar: located at the bottom of the Access Window. It presents the page view format, current task information, database object, and status of certain commands and indicators.