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BIOL 2117: Microbiology: Microorganisms

This guide will assist students in locating resources and materials to learn more about Microorganisms and Human Diseases.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Microorganisms - Javatpoint

What are Microorganisms?

What are the types of microbes and where can we find them? - Joyful Microbe


Microorganisms also known as Microbes are microscopic organisms that comprises either a single cell (unicellular); cell clusters; or acellular structure. They are classified under the three domains of life: bacteria, archae, and eukarya.

Types of Microorganisms

There are five major types of Microorganisms which include: 

Do Viruses Evolve to Be Less Deadly? - News @ Northeastern Viruses

The Secret Cleaning Power of Bacteria | Discover Magazine Bacteria

Survey of archaea in the body reveals other microbial guests Archaea

Fungi | What is microbiology? | Microbiology Society Fungi

Soil Protozoa | NRCS Soils Protozoa 

Helminths are not microorganisms but they are included due to there nature of causing human diseases

What are Helminths? Helminths 

To learn more about each type of Microorganism by clicking on their tab at the top of the page under Microorganisms
