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QEP: Guide for Online Students: Library & Media Services

This guide will help students with resources and tips on how to be successful in their online courses

Director of Library & Media Services

Profile Photo
Patrice Toomer
Valdosta Campus Library
4089 Val Tech Road
Valdosta, Ga 31602

Online Card Catalog


Patrons must adhere to the Library and the WGTC Computer/Internet Acceptable Use Policies. Students must have a valid ID card. Public users must have picture ID.

Wiregrass Library Policy and Procedures Manual

Library Orientation and Tour LibGuide

The Wiregrass Georgia Technical College Library Orientation and Tour Libguide

Click the following link below to view are libraries orientation and meet the staff:

Library Orientation and Tour 

Library & Media Services

Welcome to the Library/Media Services at Wiregrass Georgia Technical College. With locations at Ben Hill-Irwin (Lewis I. Brinson, Sr. Library), Coffee, Cook, and Valdosta Campuses, the libraries serve as a research facility for our students, faculty, staff, and community patrons.

Four locations, Staff, and operational Hours click on the following Webpage:

To learn more about the WGTC Libraries Click on the following link to our Library Libguide: Wiregrass Georgia Technical College Libraries 


LibGuides | Limitless Libraries, NASHVILLE, TN

Our LibGuides are informational pages designed to distribute content to our patronsThe system is design to provide Students, Faculty, & Staff with relevant and current information, websites, and materials on different subjects related to the program areas. You can find books, ebooks, webpages, diagrams, videos, & much more on specific subject areas. 

The libguides can be located on the Library Homepage: under the tab to the right labeled Libguides. The direct link to the Libguides is 

Using the Online Card Catalog

Users may access the library's collection within the library and remotely via the Library Online Card Catalog. This system is also known as Primo. 

When you click on the Online Card Catalog link you can begin to conduct a search using key words or phrases for items within the library.

The WGTC Libraries offers simple, one-stop searching for books and e-books, videos, articles, and more.

We have several search options available:

  • WGTC Library Catalog: will find books, e-books, DVDs, streaming video and other materials owned by the library
  • Everything: will find books, e-books, streaming video, articles, and more
  • Electronic Only: will find e-books, streaming video, and articles
  • TCSG Libraries: will find physical items available in all TCSG libraries

When logging into your Primo account you are able to request books, view your Alma/Library profile, view fines and fees, due dates, and more. To Log-in click on the link to the right at the top of the page where it says sign in.

You will then be directed to the Open Athens Login page where you will choose students as the option. 

You will then be directed to the the OKTA login page. Login using your student email and eight digit birthday unless you changed it in the past (Example: 01021956). 

Once you login you will be able to view your library account information under your name, make request, view loans, and view fines and fees.

Login using Open Athens and your Okta Login directions can be found under the tab labeled Login into Primo.

To request books in primo first do a search using keywords or phrases on the material topic you are looking for. Under refine my results click on the filters to your right to make sure available in the library is marked and the type of material such as book is marked. 




Once you have located the material you need then click on the title.



The following page will pop up onto your screen: 



Make sure there is a copy available this can be seen under Location items and will show available marked in green and what library it is located in, the collection location, and how long it can be checked out for. 


If a copy is available then you can click on the request link. 




Fill in all important information such as terms of use, date of pickup, and in comments please type the name of the library you are picking the book up from if different from book location. Then click send request.

Login to your account using the library's online card catalog. Once logged in you can scroll to the right and click on your name. Under your name on the top right corner you can click on where it says my loans and it will show all materials you have out and the date due. You can scroll between active and pervious or historical loans.



Login to your account using the library's online card catalog. Once logged in you can scroll to the right and click on your name. Under your name on the top right corner you can click on where it says My Library Account and it will show fines and fees on the right side of the screen. You can also scroll through the different tabs on the top to view loans, request, blocks, etc.