The C.R.A.A.P Test by Wintec City Library
Purdue Owl This probably the only resource you will ever need as far as writing is concerned. Find everything you need regarding grammar, writing, research, citations, and styles.
When taking online courses you may come across assignments in which research may be needed. Your ability to conduct adequate scholarly research is crucial to your success for these assignments.
Conducting research for essays involves finding credible facts or evidence to support the key point of your paper or your thesis. Evidence to support your thesis will contain facts, statistics, examples, or expert opinions on the topic.
When conducting research look for the following sources:
When you're conducting academic research, your campus library can be one of your best resources. In addition to online databases, journal articles, and books, your campus library also has library staff that can pinpoint you to the best resources for your research.
Evaluating sources involves recognizing that not all information you read is valid or credible especially when using online resources. The following links will give you a general breakdown of sources and the process of conducting research
Evaluating Internet Information- USG Online Learning Library
A brief introduction about websites
Bare Bones 101: A Basic Tutorial on Searching the Web
Lessons plans discussing how to search the web by the University of South Carolina
Strategies for conducting Research
Information on conducting research by Pressbooks
ISeek - a search engine that is designed to help students with their research, and which currently indexes thousands of trusted scientific, university, and government resources. You can also add URLs you find useful.
InfoPlease - a reliable source of information for students. It acts like an online encyclopedia, where all the content is written by experts.
A Research Guide for Students - Scholars and librarians have collated some of the best resources for literary research and this site contains styleguides to guide you
Crafting an Effective Writer: Tools of the Trade
Google Scholar brings together academic articles and ranks them based on the authors, publication location, and citation record. That means the top results generally represent the most reliable scholarship on your topic.
Library of Congress Students can search its collections to access digital resources, videos, audio recordings, photographs, and maps.
PubMed Central Open-Access database run by The National Library of Medicine that offers free access to scholarly literature. The resource connects college students with life sciences and biomedical academic sources. The site provides full-text documents, scientific data, and other resources from federally funded research.
Chemistry Central Publishing peer-reviewed open access research in chemistry
The Digital Commons Network brings together free, full-text scholarly articles from hundreds of universities and colleges worldwide.
Science Prof Online: a free science education resource for students, teachers and anyone with questions about the natural world. free virtual classrooms in cell biology, microbiology and more
BioMed Central Publisher of 187 peer-reviewed open access journals.
Directory of Open Access Journals This service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals.
ibiblio a conservancy of freely available information, including software, music, literature, art, history, science, politics, and cultural studies.
NCJRS Virtual Library (National Criminal Justice Reference Service) Access to more than 3,500 full text publications and more
The Online Books Page Listing over 3 million free books on the Web