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Civil Engineering: Math for Engineers

This guide will help students with resources and research information on civil engineering and its specialties


Books in Library

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Review Engineering Formula Sheet 

Math Formulas for civil engineers


Engineering Formula PDF Sheet 1 

Math Formulas for engineers


Wolfram Alpha

You can type in a number with its units and Wolfram Alpha will return its equivalents in other units and also give you interesting additional information.


Math for Trades: Volume 2 

The Math for Trades: Volume 2 textbook continues where the first volume left off. Volume 2 increases the challenge with topics such as converting units and working with equations, perimeter, area, and volume. Once again the material is presented from a trades perspective with easy-to-understand examples and videos explanations accompanying questions.


Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook

Business Mathematics was written to meet the needs of a twenty-first century student. It takes a systematic approach to helping students learn how to think and centers on a structured process termed the PUPP Model (Plan, Understand, Perform, and Present). 


Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables (Partially Mathcad-enabled)

This 1972 book is a compendium of mathematical formulas, tables, and graphs. It contains a very complete table of analytical integrals, differential equations, and numerical series; and includes tables of trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, tables for numerical integration, rules for differentiation and integration, and techniques for point interpolation and function approximation. 


Multimedia Engineering Mathematics


HELM Workbooks

This is a free, online textbook that consists of individual workbooks on a wide variety of math topics.  Each of the 48 chapters includes information that engineers need to know specifically.  There is also a Student's Guide and a Tutor's Guide.  Each are downloadable as pdf files.


Engineering Statics: Open and Interactive

A free and open source textbook for a traditional, one-semester, engineering mechanics (statics) course. Topics include forces and moments; equilibrium of particles, rigid bodies, and structures; centroids and moments of inertia. The text contains interactive diagrams illustrating important concepts.


civil engineer

Study material, Solved Examples, Calculators, quiz, software, research papers, conferences and a lot of resources for Civil Engineering Students, Teachers and Professionals


AMSER (Applied Math and Science Education Repository)

"AMSER (the Applied Math and Science Education Repository) is a portal of educational resources and services built specifically for use by those in Community and Technical Colleges but free for anyone to use." -- website


Essential Engineering Mathematics

This is a free textbook offered by BookBoon.


Essential Mathematics for Engineers

This is a free textbook offered by BookBoon.


Engineering Math: Differential Equations and Linear Algebra 

course from MIT


Martindale’s Calculators On-line Center / Civil Engineering Center 

Calculators, Applets, Spreadsheets. site includes: Courses, Manuals, Handbooks, Simulations, Animations, Videos, etc.


Engineering Measurements and Instrumentation: First Edition

This general math site offers reference material on a host of math topics, plus a math message board and links to relevant material online.


Engineering Math A Online Lessons (Math 1172)

Unit Conversion

Input and output for over 1,000 units in science and engineering.

Conversion Tables and Instant Measurement Conversion

Conversion calulators for all kinds of units, commonly used ones in science and engineering, historical units, and practical units in everyday like shoe sizes, and cooking measurements.

Convert temperature, length, weight, area, and volume from or to metric units.

Convert just about any measurement to anything else. The most popular conversions are: length, temperature, speed, volume, weight, cooking, area, fuel economy and currency. Advanced students will also find more specialized conversions of units in mathematics, physics and engineering.


Online Calculators

Civil Engineering Calculators 

find calculators dealing with estimates, Concrete, Volume, Flooring, soil test, and more..

Easy Calculations 

online calculators

Civil Engineering Calculators 

A collection of easy-to-use Software tools


free online calculators for engineers


BuildingGuide USA

Civil Engineering Calculators


Square Footage Calculator – Calculate Square Feet of Your House

FreeCalc- applications for everyday mathematics, engineering, economics, and scientific calculations

Good Calculators offers a number of free online calculators.

Engineering Calculators