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A Guide to Assist with Mathematical Concepts and Applications in Basic Math, Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Statistics

Math Banner7


A branch of mathematics that involves the study of rates of change


Precalculus openstax textbook 

Textbook on Precalculus


The Math Forum: College Calculus 

Links to online lessons, math problems, and self help for calculus and other branches of mathematics


Internet Resources for the Mathematics Student 

Links to online resources for mathematical students in calculus and Precalculus


Math Vids 

Calculus math videos


Free Calculus Help 

Collection of online calculus resources


S.O.S Mathematics: Calculus 

Lessons in Calculus



Take a guided, problem-solving based approach to learning Calculus. These compilations provide unique perspectives and applications you won't find anywhere else.


EMathZone: Calculus 

free mathematics education with detailed tutorials


The Math Page: Pre-Calculus 

Math Lessons in Pre-calculus


The Math Page: Calculus 

Math Lessons in Calculus


Study Guide 

Online Study Guides to Calculus from MIT Open Courseware created by Massachusetts Institute of Technology



Basic Trig Identities for calculus and other concepts


Visual Calculus 

collection was designed for instructors to give some ideas how technology, in particular, computers, can be used in the teaching of calculus.
