Principles of Electricity
Youtube channel with videos on basics of electricty, cabling, and more
Powerpoint by Spring Grove Area School District
Principles of Electronic Communication Systems; Fourth Edition
pdf internet link
Everything about Electrical Laws
Introduction to electrical circuits
Physics book from open stax
Electricity explained: Electricity in the United States
U.S. Energy Information Administration
Principles of Electronic Communication Systems
telecom book online
Understanding Basic Electrical Theory
information on electricity laws
up-to-date video tutorials will guide you through the basic concepts of electronics, covering everything from analog and digital concepts, to electronic components & more. For beginners and beyond.
Unit I - Basic Principles of Electricity
open book libre text
Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Formulas
This website provides the most commonly used equations with notes on appropriate situations to employ them.
Modular Electronics Learning (ModEL) project (CC BY)
A collection of tutorials on topics in electricity and electronics.
Practice Problem Worksheets (CC BY)
A collection of worksheets and exams on mathematics, basic science, electricity and electronics, and instrumentation and process control.
Worksheets (CC BY)
A large collection of worksheets on the following topics: Basic Electricity, DC Electric Circuits, AC Electric Circuits, Network Analysis Techniques, Discrete Semiconductor Devices and Circuits, Analog Integrated Circuits, Digital Circuits, and Mathematics for Electronics.
Electromechanical Technology Series (Public domain)
This collection includes all 16 student manuals, which are all now in the public domain and free for reuse and redistribution. Each book’s materials are presented in an action-oriented format combining many of the features normally found in a textbook with those usually associated with a laboratory manual.
Concepts of Direct Current (CC BY-NC-SA)
This course provides a study of basic concepts and application of direct current (DC). Specific topics include but are not limited to: an introduction to electrical theory, units of electrical measurement, DC electrical components, and constructing various types of DC circuits.
Introduction to Electricity/Electronics (CC BY)
This course provides an introduction to fundamental concepts of the nature, production, and usage of electricity. A study of circuits with an emphasis on problem solving and component identification is also discussed. Please note that all course materials and content are provided in the IMS Common Cartridge (IMSCC) format.
DC Circuits
Author: Chad Davis, University of Oklahoma
Series-Parallel DC Circuits Analysis
Author: Patrick Hoppe