BUS305: Small Business Management
This course will introduce you to entrepreneurship and business planning.
This short one-credit course introduces students to the foundations of business ethics. It was built around information contained in the Pearson Publishing textbook, "Ethics at Work" by Robert Hunt, Mathew Hunt and Barbara Cox, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2005.
Introduction to Business, Management, and Ethics
This module provides a range of assessment and study materials used in classes in business, engineering and computer ethics.
List of online courses on management from MIT OpenCourseware
Free courses on Business and Finance
Online courses from Saylor Academy on Business
This course will begin with an introduction that will help further the distinction between leadership and management, and then you will be introduced to major theories and models of leadership and of leadership development from a variety of perspectives.
ECON101: Principles of Microeconomics
This course will provide you with a basic understanding of the principles of microeconomics.
Building a Business is a lecture series designed to teach the fundamentals of developing a business. Each lecture provides practical information and examples to identify key aspects of successful entrepreneurship. These podcasts are the lecture video recordings registered at the Said Business School in Oxford, United Kingdom.
Open Learn - Money and Business
Open Learn provides a variety of courses covering topics such as "Preparing a project", "Understanding different research perspectives", "Different types of business", Estimating the cost of equity", and "An introduction to business cultures."
Open Educational Resources
Intermediate Financial Accounting Volume 1 Sign up required to access
Intermediate Financial Accounting Volume 2 Sign up required to access
Introduction to Financial Accounting Sign up required to access
Business Law and the Legal Environment
Our goal is to provide students with a textbook that is up to date and comprehensive in its coverage of legal and regulatory issues—and organized to permit instructors to tailor the materials to their particular approach.
open textbook
Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook (Lyryx)
Business professionals will work with taxes, gross earnings, product prices, and currency exchange; they will be offered loans, lines of credit, mortgages, leases, savings bonds, and other financial tools. This textbook covers all of these topics and how these financial tools can maximize their earnings and minimize their costs. It also discusses how to execute smart monetary decisions both personally and for their business.
open textbook
Book by OpenStax
Introduction to Financial Mathematics: Concepts and Computational Methods by Arash Fahim
Introduction to Financial Mathematics: Concepts and Computational Methods serves as a primer in financial mathematics with a focus on conceptual understanding of models and problem solving. It includes the mathematical background needed for risk management, such as probability theory, optimization, and the like.
Introduction to Economic Analysis
This book presents standard intermediate microeconomics material and some material that, in the authors' view, ought to be standard but is not. Introductory economics material is integrated. Standard mathematical tools, including calculus, are used throughout. The book easily serves as an intermediate microeconomics text, and can be used for a relatively sophisticated undergraduate who has not taken a basic university course in economics.
Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences
OER Textbook
Business Math I (CC By-NC-SA)
This book is aimed at university business students as an introduction to the mathematics required for the field of business. This textbook covers the fundamentals of business precalculus, finance, as well as the applications to general business management, human resources and the economy, marketing and accounting.
Trailblazing in Entrepreneurship
This book offers suggestions for future research through a variety of topics including prosocial action, innovation, family business, sustainability and development, and the financial, social, and psychological costs of failure.
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Toolkit
This book provides an overview of the world of entrepreneurship. Topics covered include an introduction to entrepreneurship; opportunity recognition and design thinking; evaluation entrepreneurial opportunities; business models; business planning; financing entrepreneurship; business set-up, start-up, and growth; strategic entrepreneurship; innovation and entrepreneurship; and the entrepreneurial environment.
Media Innovation and Entrepreneurship
This is a modular open textbook designed for entrepreneurial journalism, media innovation, and related courses.
Open Textbook from Openstax
Good Corporation, Bad Corporation: Corporate Social Responsibility in the Global Economy
This textbook provides an innovative, internationally oriented approach to the teaching of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and business ethics.
Business Ethics Workshop provides aframework for identifying, analyzing, and resolving ethical dilemmas encountered through working life.
The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business
open textbook
Open textbook on business from boundless
open Textbook
Introduction to Business covers the scope and sequence of most introductory business courses. The book provides detailed explanations in the context of core themes such as customer satisfaction, ethics, entrepreneurship, global business, and managing change.
Fundamentals of Business - 3rd Edition
covers the following topics in business: Teamwork; economics; ethics; entrepreneurship; business ownership, management, and leadership; organizational structures and operations management; human resources and motivating employees; managing in labor union contexts; marketing and pricing strategy; hospitality and tourism, accounting and finance, and personal finances.
The author's goals in writing Exploring Business Version 2.0 was simple: introduce students to business in an exciting way.
Designed to introduce students to the essential concepts of business and other organizations. Focus is on small, entrepreneurial start-ups, and expanding the discussion in each chapter to include issues that are faced in larger organizations when it is appropriate to do so.
Critical Employment, Ethical, and Legal Scenarios in Human Resource Development
This book provides mini-cases for HRD and other disciplines to use for engaging students in incident discussions. Exploring ways to solve problems and make decisions about situations that occur at work.
Human Relations by Laura Portolese-Dias addresses all of the critical topics to obtain career success as they relate to professional relationships.
Human Resource Management is adapted from a work produced and distributed under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-SA) in 2011 by a publisher who has requested that they and the original author not receive attribution. This adapted edition is produced by the University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing through the eLearning Support Initiative.
Beginning Management of Human Resources
This is the goal of this book; it is useful enough for the HRM professional, but the information presented is also applicable to managers, supervisors, and entrepreneurs.
This open source textbook is derived from many sources, initially from the Principles of Management by Carpenter, Bauer, and Erdogan, but there is abundant new content as well. It is published under a Creative Commons license and as such there is no charge ever for this textbook.
Open Textbook from LumenLearning
Principles of Management is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the introductory course on management. This is a traditional approach to management using the leading, planning, organizing, and controlling approach.
Developing Organizational and Managerial Wisdom
This book presents the results of novel research into the dynamics of values, rationality, and power in organizations. Through this understanding, readers will gain insights and frameworks with which to understand the actions of others within their environment.
Emergence of a Strategic Leader
An introduction to the key topics and themes of strategic management. The authors draw on examples of familiar companies and personalities to illustrate the different strategies used by today’s firms—and how they go about implementing those strategies. Students will learn how to conduct a case analysis, measure organizational performance, and conduct external and internal analyses.
Principles of Management for Leadership Communication
This textbook from the University of Arkansas teaches management principles to tomorrow’s business leaders by weaving three threads through every chapter: strategy, entrepreneurship and active leadership.
Small Business Management in the 21st Century
Small Business Management in the 21st Century offers a unique perspective and set of capabilities for instructors. The authors designed this book with a “less can be more” approach, and by treating small business management as a practical human activity rather than as an abstract theoretical concept.
Building Strategy and Performance
This book uses a balanced blend of frameworks and illustrations to teach you how to tackle the challenge of driving performance into the future.
Principles of Management teaches management principles to tomorrow's business leaders by weaving three threads through every chapter: strategy, entrepreneurship and active leadership.
Open textbook
Operations Management: Emerging Trend in the Digital Era
Global competition has caused fundamental changes in the competitive environment of the manufacturing and service industries. Firms should develop strategic objectives that, upon achievement, result in a competitive advantage in the market place.
Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
Contemporary Leadership Challenges
The authors cover an array of themes that span from an individual level to an organizational and societal level. In this volume, two sections are presented. The first section based on individual level focuses on different leadership styles and abilities, and the other section provides theories to understand leadership in public administration, in industrial settings and in nonprofit organizations.
Emerging Topics in Management Studies
This book features topical trends of research in Management studies, in which FEUC professors are involved, together with international peers, evidencing the openness of the Faculty to the world.
The collection of the articles provides a glimpse into the new research trends in technology, business, and the environment.
Financial Management for Small Businesses: Financial Statements & Present Value Models
This book is for those whose financial management focus is on small businesses. For you, we adapt the traditional financial management themes emphasized in corporate financial management courses to meet the needs of small businesses.
This Special Issue aims to discuss the key mechanisms concerning the design and operationalization of sustainable business models, from a strategic perspective.
Project Management: Navigating the Complexity with a Systematic Approach
Online textbook from LumenLearning
Lumen Learning Textbook
eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Marketing in a Digital World - 6th Edition
The newly updated edition - based on Quirk's unique Think, Create, Engage, Optimise structure and processes - includes chapters on the latest marketing trends as well as updated facts and figures and all new real-world case studies showing the application of digital best practice.
Legal Aspects of Marketing and Sales
Legal Aspects of Marketing and Sales is an up-to-date textbook that covers legal issues that students who will work in marketing or with marketing managers must understand.
Wikibook on Creation, Pricing, Promotion, and Distribution of Goods, Services, and Ideas
Principles of Marketing is adapted from a work produced by a publisher who has requested that they and the original author not receive attribution. This adapted edition is produced by the University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. This text teaches the experience and process of actually doing marketing – not just the vocabulary. It carries five dominant themes throughout in order to expose students to marketing in today's environment: Service dominant logic; sustainability; ethics and social responsibility; global coverage; and metrics. Licensed CC BY-NC-SA
This open access book addresses four standard business school subjects: microeconomics, macroeconomics, finance and information systems as they relate to trading, liquidity, and market structure.
This OpenStax resource aligns to introductory courses in Organizational Behavior. The text presents the theory, concepts, and applications with particular emphasis on the impact that individuals and groups can have on organizational performance and culture.
Corporate Governance by de Kluyver is a primer on corporate governance. It is designed to help students understand corporate governance by looking at the subject from both a macro- and micro-perspective.
Focusing on Organizational Change
Focusing on Organizational Change offers an alternative to the traditional approach by focusing on building the change capacity of the entire organization in anticipation of future pressures to change.
Organizational Behavior bridges the gap between theory and practice with a distinct "experiential" approach.
A Closer Look at Organizational Culture in Action
Values, attitudes, and behaviors constitute an organization’s culture and employees both share and use them on a daily basis in their work. This book aims to briefly portray a new interpretation of organizational culture varying from the profusion of literature in the following ways: it attempts to include how cultures are created organically or through consistent planning and action in different organizations such as education, business, and health; focusing more on change, innovation, and learning opportunities.
Dark Sides of Organizational Behavior and Leadership
The book contributes knowledge of how negative leadership develops, what part organizational structures play, and what the consequences are for the leader, the subordinates and the organization.
In this book, we learn about organizational conflict, highlighting different perspectives of conflict resolution and conflict management in different settings and areas, as well as different theoretical views on this subject.
An Introduction to Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior textbook
Communication is the heart of business. Short emails, complex reports, private chats, impassioned pitches, formal presentations, and team meetings move information and ideas around an organization, define strategy, and drive decisions. Business communication is concise, direct, clear, and compelling.
Business English for Success provides instruction in steps, builds writing, reading, and critical thinking, and combines comprehensive grammar review with an introduction to paragraph writing and composition. This step-by-step approach provides a clear path to student-centered learning.
Business Communication for Success
Business Communication for Success (BCS) provides a comprehensive, integrated approach to the study and application of written and oral business communication to serve both student and professor.
Open textbook
Database design by Adrienne Watt, Douglas College, Nelson Eng, Douglas College
Database Design - 2nd Edition covers database systems and database design concepts. New to this edition are SQL info, additional examples, key terms and review exercises at the end of each chapter.
This Beginning Excel textbook is intended for use in a one-term introductory spreadsheet course for all majors taught at two-year colleges. The basics of Excel, as they apply to the professional workplace, are introduced, including spreadsheet design, data entry, formulas, functions, charts, tables, and multi-sheet use.
This book is an introduction to programming in Oracle’s Java™ programming language, a widely used programming language and software platform. This book serves as a comprehensive guide, complete with a series of tutorials to help users better understand the many ways one can program in Java. In its entirety, this book is meant to be both an introductory guide and a useful reference on Java and related technologies.
A Guide to Technical Communications: Strategies & Applications
Howdy or Hello?: Technical and Business Communications - 2nd Edition
Arthur Andersen Case Studies in Business Ethics (Carnegie Mellon)
Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative - Anderson School of Management
Highlighted Cases and Case Studies: Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative
Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship at MIT (Case Centre)
Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University: Ethics Cases
SSRN: Boston University Questrom School of Business Research Paper Series
Stanford Graduate School of Business Case Studies (Case Centre)
Ted Rogers Leadership Centre, Ryerson University: Case Study Collection
World Business Council for Sustainable Development Case Studies
In 17 episodes, Evelyn From The Internets will teach you soft skills for business and everyday life! This course is based on a college-level curriculum, with a variety of management and organizational psychology reference texts.
Khan Academy Tutorials
U.S. Small Business Administration
Business management information
collection of open access books on business
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