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Writing a Classification Essay

This guide will assist students in the process of writing an Classification Essay

Choosing a Topic

When choosing a topic for your classification essay always choose something you know well or have an interest in. The more you know about a topic, the more you can break it into smaller, more interesting parts. Your topic should be easily divided into smaller parts.

Tips for choosing a Topic:

  • You should try to be original and creative in your selection of a topic.
  • When breaking the main subject down, make sure that your subcategories can be clearly labeled
  • Make sure your topic can be divided into categories that have one principle of division

After choosing the topic for your essay or paper, start researching that topic, brainstorming, and making an outline.

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Plan & Mind Maps

When a Topic has been determined start conducting research on the main category and the subcategories. Figure out each subcategories description, shared characteristics, and their differences. Create Mindmaps or charts to help with your research and to jot down notes and sources.

Warm-Up for Classification Essays | Thoughtful Learning K-12