Handout on MLA in-text citations
In-text citation guide by Excelsior Online Writing Lab
More guidance on how to use MLA core elements to create a Works Cited list by explaining the definition of each element in different types of documents (it will not always be literal), where to find each element, and how to style it. The MLA 9 was designed so that the core element strategy will become even more accessible through more examples and explanations, such as how to use notes, websites, interviews, and YouTube videos.
A deeper dive into in-text citations, a category many users expressed struggles with.
Reintroduction of MLA guidance on research papers, absent in MLA 8, with expanded instructions.
A new chapter on inclusive language.
Expanded guidelines on grammar mechanics.
In MLA, in-text citations are inserted in the body of the paper to document the source in which the information was collected. In-text citations shows the reader where the information originated and to determine where to focus their attention when looking at the Works Cited page at the end of the paper.
There are many ways you can introduce a quote or quotations into your paper. A quotation should not just be inserted into the paper without an introduction or explanation, this causes the paper to not flow properly.
Introduce the quotation with a complete sentence and a colon.
Begin a sentence with your own word, then complete it with quoted words.
Make the quote a part of your sentence without punctuation between your words and the words you are quoting.
MLA format follows the author-page method of in-text citation. the In-Text Citation should match the Works cited page citation.
In text Citations With one Author:
(Author's last name page number)
If you state the author in the sentence than you only have to put the page number in the parentheses at the end of the sentence. If you just quote the phrase and not mention the author than the author and page number must be listed.
In text Citations With two Authors:
(First Author's Last Name and Second Author's Last Name Page Number)
In text Citations with three or more authors:
(First Author's Last Name et al. Page Number)
When the author is a corporate entity or organization, this information is included:
(corporate name page number)
If no author use a shortened title in the in-text citation where the authors last name would be.
(shortened Title page number)
If more than one works of an author is used distinguish between the sources in the in-text citations with shortened title:
(Last name, shortened title page number)
Authors with same last name put letter of first name before the last name:
(First Initial. Last Name Page number)
When using long quotations which are more than four lines long