Preparing for the ASVAB Exam
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB ) is a multiple choice test, administered by the United States Military Entrance Processing Command, used to determine qualification for enlistment in the United States armed forces.
The official web site for ASVAB.
Select the sections you want to practice. You can take whole practice tests or focus on one area.
Randomized tests, flash cards, and explanations
Free Practice Tests for the ASVAB
Practice test from UnionTestPrep
Free ASVAB Practice Tests
ASVAB Test Prep is a free browser/web platform that provides people with unique ASVAB training and testing services.
Information about the ASVAB test along with apractice test from
ASVAB Paragraph Comprehension practice test
practice test
ASVAB Practice Test 2021 (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force) PDF
Practice tests
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Practice test from Test-Guide
Practice for ASVAB
ASVAB Study Guide covers all of the most important information that you need to know for this test.
Youtube video channel
Khan Academy offers reviews of math, verbal, and other skills necessary for success on the ASVAB.
Offers free practice tests for high school, college, and professional certification exams offers free ASVAB practice tests as well as other useful information for joining the military.
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