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Anatomy & Physiology

This guide is designed to assist with studying and preparing for Anatomy & Physiology (ALHS 1010)

Anatomy & Physiology Open Educational Textbooks

Anatomy & Physiology Open Educational Resources 

OER Textbooks

Anatomy and Physiology Anatomy and Physiology 

A dynamic textbook for the two-semester human anatomy and physiology course for life science and allied health majors.

book-cover Boundless Anatomy and Physiology 

open textbook

HumanBiologyCK12_humanmuscles Anatomy and Physiology 

Three volume set.

Wikibooks - Wikipedia Human Physiology 

online book

Human Anatomy and Physiology Preparatory Course (Liachovitzky) 2019 

help students familiarize with some terms and some basic concepts they will find later in the Human Anatomy and Physiology I course

Cover image for Body Physics: Motion to Metabolism Body Physics: Motion to Metabolism 

Body Physics sticks to the basic functioning of the human body, from motion to metabolism, as a common theme through which fundamental physics topics are introduced.

Anatomy and Physiology 2e Anatomy and Physiology 2e

Openstax textbook

Anatomy Quizbook 

The Anatomy Quizbook is a series of carefully selected questions addressing core learning in clinically relevant anatomy. It provides the opportunity for both pre-med and medical students to improve their knowledge of anatomy, as well as their performance in tests and examinations.

book-cover Anatomy and Physiology I 

open textbook

Cover image for Anatomy 337 eReader Anatomy 337 eReader 

This OpenStax book was imported into Pressbooks on July 22, 2019, to make it easier for instructors to edit, build upon, and remix the content.

Gray's Anatomy Illustrations

"The edition of Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body

book cover Human Anatomy and Physiology Preparatory Course by Liachovitzky (2015)

book-cover Anatomy and Physiology II

 Anatomy & Physiology (Carnegie Mellon Open Learning Initiative)

Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology, Online Student Edition 2014

Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology - Australian Edition

 Human Biology (ASCCC OERI)



A Regional Study of Human Structure

Cover image for Human Anatomy (MASTER) Human Anatomy (MASTER)


Human Physiology