WGTC library is a member of LYRASIS and OCLC (Online Computer Library Center). These memberships provide students and faculty access to materials via interlibrary loan. The interlibrary loan request procedure consists of requesting the title to the campus librarian. The title is then requested by the ILL librarian to the borrowing library
Intercampus borrowing is a service available to all students, faculty, and staff of WGTC. Patrons on any campus and other auxiliary sites may borrow circulating materials from other campuses. All library materials are searchable online through the library catalog. Courier service between campuses allows for quick delivery of requested materials. To request courier service for library materials, patrons should consult library personnel. Please allow approximately two business days for delivery of requested materials.
Dual enrollment students will now pickup and drop off dual enrollment books at any Wiregrass campus library
Students will be responsible for picking up and dropping off books within the allotted time frames. Dates will be posted in newsletters and students will received reminders of when the drop off / pickup dates will be for each semester.
Computer Access
Patrons must adhere to the Library and the WGTC Computer/Internet Acceptable Use Policies. Students must have a valid ID card. Public users must have picture ID.
To login to the computers students will use the first part of their student email as the username and their eight digit birthdate as the password unless it was changed. The login information will be their single-sign on.