Whole Numbers
A whole number is any number 0 or greater that does not contain a fraction or decimal and are always positive numbers. Ex: 0,1,2,3,4,5...
Written Form: Five Hundred forty-six
Standard Form: 546
Whole Number Place Value Review
When rounding whole numbers you must look at the number to the right of the place value to be rounded. If the number is 5 or more round up if the number is 4 or less round down.
Example: round 468 to the nearest ten
First you must located the tens place in the number which would be the 6. Now look to the right of that number and determine if the number to the right is 5 or more or 4 or less. The number to the right is an 8 therefore we will round the 6 to a 7 making the rounded number be 470. All the numbers to the right of the place you are rounding to become zeros.
468 rounded to the nearest ten is 470.
When dealing with rounding whole numbers make sure you pay close attention to what place value the question wants you to round to.
Another way to look at rounding is by using a number line. To set up a number line for the number 468 when rounding to the nearest ten you must determine what two numbers would be the bench mark numbers or the numbers that 468 falls between within the tens value place. These two numbers will be 460 and 470. Place the original number on the number line between the bench mark numbers. Which bench mark number is your original number closest to? The bench mark numbers can be determined by the place value to be rounded. 468 is closest to the 470 therefore we will round the number to that place value.
Rounding to the nearest 10 on the number line
Closure for addition and multiplication: When you add or multiply any two whole numbers you get a whole number
Ex: 2+ 2 = 4
Ex: 2 x 6= 12
Commutative property for addition and multiplication: You can add or multiply whole numbers in any order.
Ex 5 + 1 = 1+ 5
Ex: 5 x 1 = 1 x 5
Associative property for addition and multiplication: When three or more numbers are added or Multiplied, the sum is the same regardless of the way in which the numbers are grouped with parenthesis.
Ex: (8 x 125) x 1294 or 8 x (125 x 1294)
Ex: (5 + 6) + 12 or 5 +(6 + 12)
Distributive property of multiplication over addition: The distributive property states that multiplying a sum by a number gives the same result as multiplying each addend by the number and then adding the products together.
Ex: 35 x ( 98 + 2 ) = 35 x 100 = 3500
65 x (48 + 2) = 65 x 50 = 3250
297 x 17 + 297 x 3 = 297 x (17 + 3) = 297 x 20 = 5940
Identity for addition and multiplication:
The identity property for addition tells us that zero added to any number is the number itself.
Ex: 5 + 0 = 5
The identity property for multiplication tells us that the number 1 multiplied times any number gives the number itself.
5690 x 1 = 5690
Associative property of multiplication